The medical
section of our consultation office treats skin diseases that
cannot be diagnosed or treated by your physician and takes care
also of the cosmetic medical treatments of sun-damage skin: wrinkles,
furrows, creases and depressed scars.
1. Injections of biodegradable temporary
implant materials:
They are injected
in the dermis using a very fine needle in order to raise depressions
to the level of the surrounding skin by filling in the lines
and wrinkles just under the surface of the skin. These biodegradable
products are used on all types of wrinkles, facial creases and
scars, mostly on superficial lesions.
- Collagen is a bovine derived
material. Two skin tests prior to collagen injections are required
on account of possible allergy to the American-made collagen
- Hylaform is a fowl derived
material and
- Restylane is a synthetic
product (no known allergy to both products). Usually two successive
sessions are needed to obtain a full correction (collagen: Zyderm-1,
Zyderm-2, Zyplast; hyaluronic acid: Hylaform, Restylane).
2. Permanent non-degradable products:
These implants
are inserted below the surface of the skin in order to fill the
hollow furrow and give some bulkiness. These non-degradable products
are used for the treatment of deep facial furrows and scars.
SoftForm is a soft synthetic tube-shaped
implant made of a non allergenic polymer. It is a simple in-office
procedure done under local anesthesia. The implant is inserted
below the surface of the skin through two small incisions. It
is then invaded by conjunctive tissue. SoftForm is implanted
in one session, however it may be necessary to use another product
such as collagen to achieve full correction of the treatment
Artecoll consists of microspheres suspended
in a solution of collagen. It is used as an injectable micro-implant.
Prior to injections, one skin test is required on account of
possible allergy to this German-made collagen (rare). If optimal
correction is not achieved after the Artecoll initial implant,
the treatment can be repeated 2 months later.
3. Botox:
The diluted
toxin is injected directly into the muscles of the superior area
of the face. These muscles are responsible for the frown lines
of the forehead, rhytides of the periorbital and intersuperciliary
(glabellar) areas.
4. Chemical peelings:
It consists
in the application of an acid product to peel the surface of
the skin to treat mild sun-damaged, light wrinkling and irregular
pigmentation. Most superficial chemical peelings are done with
fruity (glycolic acid Neostrata or Reversa AHA) and medium peels
are performed with 20% to 35% trichloroacetic solution (TCA).
Other chemical peeling agents are also used.
5. Microdermabrasion (MegaPeel):
involves sanding the skin with small microscopic crystals made
of aluminum oxide. A special instrument, MegaPeel, passes the
crystals over the surface of the skin and then removes them quickly
to buff superficial skin irregularities.
Changes are cumulative and most microdermabrasion procedures
are repeated at ten day or two week intervals. Six
to eight sessions are usually
suggested for optimal results. There is little
down time associated with this procedure, because after
each treatment there is minimal redness
of the skin that which usually subsides within 30
minutes to one day depending on the depth of the procedure
(the number of passes). A series of MegaPeels will improve: acne
scarring and some other types of scarring, fine lines, moderate
wrinkles, enlarged pores, pigmentation problems and uneven tones,
dull, lifeless and sun damaged skin.
6. Sclerotherapy:
is a technique to remove small vessels of the skin of the lower extremities. These vessels are
often nicknamed telangiectasis, superficial varicosities, veinous
stars, spider veins. Sclerotherapy involves injecting a minute
quantity of a sclerosing solution inside the vein, using a very
small needle. One must note that the Candela ScleroPlus and the
CoolGlide lasers are also a natural complement to sclerotherapy
of lower extremities to treat effectively small vessels the diameter
of which is less than five millimeters.
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